Posts by termite 35

  • donkey

    Miss You Mom

    by donkey in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i miss you so much i just cant say how much i hurt inside.

    i think back to when i was just a child and how you gave me the food from your plate when there wasnt enough for each of us to have dinner.

    you always put me first, your joy in life came from seeing me happy, knowing i was safe and i had everything you could give me.. i miss doing my homework with you, the way you taught me to draw and how much confidence you always had in me and i still remember how you gave and gave until you had nothing more to give me.

    1. Hamas
    2. plmkrzy
    3. plmkrzy
  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Jack, that was a lovely thing to do for your mother, she sounds wonderful.

    Alzheimers is a cruel disease- but lucidness does exist within it occasionally.

    My grandmother had it and was rapidly loosing all comprehension and control, she was confused and slipping in and out of conciousness and on morphine too ; but the night before she died I had been sitting by her bed for a lon time and kissed her goodnight as I had to go home and told her I loved her; she turned to me and said really clearly that she loved me too, very much - and thanked me for sitting with her ! So I guess I just wanted to say that you may 'meet' your mother again in some moment in her world.

    The book reading on radio4 that Simon spoke about was wonderful - I really got lost in it- wonderful ; it may be a good book for you to read- I think it's called 'my father' i'll try and find the author's name and pm you


  • cruzanheart


    by cruzanheart in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    well, it was a beautiful, beautiful wedding!

    there will be more photos published, i'm sure, as soon as billygoat is up and around.

    this was a night of love, friendship, and happiness.

    1. waiting
    2. Michael3000
    3. TresHappy
  • termite 35
    termite 35


    You looked absolutely beautiful Jesika and pr looked so proud ! Perfect.

    The wedding cake was fantastic too really cute.

    I'm having a drink to you both now and send you lots of love and luck for the future together.

  • Mary


    by Mary in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    well i went to the assembly yesterday, to see what bullshit they'd come up with this year to be upbuilt and i certainly won't go next year wasn't disappointed!

    did you know that there are (gasp!

    ) apostates on the internet??!!

    1. KGB
    2. Dansk
    3. avengers
  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Thanks for the laugh Mary- I needed that

    Ah...........Poor Winston Smith.....thinking of you -hope the wife wakes up soon

  • Lady Lee

    FOOD at the Proper Time - JWD Cookbook

    by Lady Lee in
    1. jw
    2. friends


    well i have a cover.

    it can be changed if we want something different but here is a sample.

    1. Lady Lee
    2. Lady Lee
    3. waiting
  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Lady lee the cover is great ! I love it -a very striking front for a brilliant idea, and very big hearted of you too.

  • Physio


    by Physio in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    please, y'all out there..congratulate dansk on becoming a jedi master.. since we've been out (feb 03) this board and all you lovely people on it have been the greatest source of inspiration to both dansk and myself.

    you'll never realise how much you have helped us to cope with the whole ordeal.

    so reaching his jedi status is a real milestone.. you're all life-savers and you didn't even know it!!!.

    1. onacruse
    2. Dansk
    3. mouthy
  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Drum roll for Dansk.........CONGRATULATIONS !!!!

    love your posts...termite x

  • cruzanheart

    Jesika & pr_capone's wedding plans -- Friday, July 11, 2003 at 7:00 p.m.

    by cruzanheart in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    we changed the wedding from saturday in order to give the newlyweds a chance to spend the weekend relaxing and getting settled as an official couple.

    also, by having it friday night there is a chance, a possibility, that big tex will be able to get the night off so he can give the bride away (*sniffle*).

    and there is also a chance, a possibility, that our beloved district overbeer will perform the wedding.

    1. SheilaM
    2. LyinEyes
    3. Big Tex
  • termite 35
    termite 35

    congratulations !!! what fantastic news - i'm SO happy for you both and Soulweaver too.

    I wish I could help out.

    What names are you registered with at paypal ?( trying to get a pressie to you) x

  • jgnat

    Study July 6, 2003 Listen to What the Spirit Says

    by jgnat in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    study july 6, 2003 listen to what the spirit says wt may 15, 2003

    jezebel women in the congregation!

    5 let no self-appointed prophetess seek to manipulate others in the present-day christian congregation .

    1. 95stormfront
    2. Banshee
    3. joe_from_kokomo
  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Since meeting up with a recently disfellowshipped elder's wife I have now heard of 4 women within that congregation who have left their husbands and have all emerged ready to emancipate themselves - they are really coming to terms witht he fact that they are as good as men after years of taking a subserviant role.

    Their wake up call happened from within, slowly but surely and I'm wondering whether as our culture advances, slowly but surely in the right direction, that the witnesses will see such a huge divide between the culture of today's world and their backward society that their views on the world will be too obviously weighted in favour of men to work as the catalist for the disapearence of thousands of women.

    Let's hope they take their husbands with them. After all, hopefully the jw boys of today should be a little less like their fathers due to the policies and views at their schools that they will have experienced from the age of 5-18. Finger's crossed !